Monday, December 29, 2008

He was disturbed,
still trembling, still vibrating
with the throes of the crisis,
but he was the master;
the animal was downed,
was cowed for this time,
at least.

But for all that, the brute
was there. Long dormant,
it was now at last alive,
awake. From now on he
would feel its presence continually;
would feel it tugging at its chain,
watching its opportunity.

Frank Norris

Monday, December 22, 2008

It would be fun
to cut Katsu,
to see what it felt like
to kill with a knife.
He'd already shot
somebody today;
if he strangled Kyle afterward
it would be like hitting
the murder trifecta.

Ken Bruen & Jason Starr

Monday, December 15, 2008

She spoke broken, halting English,
but since I spoke Thai better
than she spoke my native tongue
we conversed in her language.
Though for the most part
we'd used body Thai,
which is something like body English
but more passionate.

William Knoles
Jade Brothel

Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm not hard to hire.
All you have to do is
offer me money.

Robert Terrall
Kill Now, Pay Later

Monday, December 1, 2008

I found it amazing
how many men,
when asked to supply
a photo of themselves
by a young woman
over the Internet,
responded by sending
a digital snapshot
of their penis.

Charles Ardai
Songs of Innocence